Ukrainian composer of contemporary classical music

Looking at the Sky for flute, clarinet and piano

ID: SM-000055066
CompositorOleksandr (Alexander) Shchetynsky (Shchetinsky)
EditoraOleksandr (Alexander) Shchetynsky (Shchetinsky)
Ano de composição 1996
Gênero Clássico / Contemporâneo
Instrumentação Piano, Flauta, Clarinete
Composição paraTrio
Tipo de composiçãoPartitura completa
duração 10'0"
dificuldade Difficult
descripção Sound arises from silence... Aleatoric combination of separated tones, air noise, clicks of the keys and other "marginal" sounds... The utmost relieved texture, extremely delicate and soft... Three instruments play independently one from the other; each part consists of several sections performed in any order (new in every current performance). The piece has no climax, its structure resembles extended chord, the tones of which are articulated in different ways. Final tritone (pizzicato on the piano strings) introduces tones that were not utilized in the previous sections of the piece. Due to this, the whole work resembles the harmonic cadence - melancholic "hello" to the great archetype of classical music. The mood of the piece is deep static meditation.
data de postagem 01.02.2011


6.00 USD

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