Ukrainian composer of contemporary classical music

Crosswise for clarinet and cello

ID: SM-000084838
CompositorOleksandr (Alexander) Shchetynsky (Shchetinsky)
EditoraOleksandr (Alexander) Shchetynsky (Shchetinsky)
Ano de composição 1994
Gênero Clássico / Contemporâneo
Instrumentação Clarinete, Violoncelo
Composição paraDueto
Tipo de composiçãoScore for two performers, Partes
duração 12'0"
movimento(s) 1 para 2 de 2
dificuldade Very difficult
descripção The piece consists of two contrast movements: Vivo and Lento. The first one, built from rapid passages, is like a push, an ouverture that makes a context for the main second movement - very slow, soft and meditative. General sluggishness of it impacts some chimerical feature to the music, and at the same time stimulates the filling of acoustic beauty of the very sound and its echos surrounded with silence.
data de postagem 21.12.2011


12.00 USD

15.00 USD
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PDF, 968.3 Kb (23 p.)


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