Ukrainian composer of contemporary classical music

Cortège (version for clarinet quartet, full score)

ID: SM-000053849
CompositorOleksandr (Alexander) Shchetynsky (Shchetinsky)
EditoraOleksandr (Alexander) Shchetynsky (Shchetinsky)
Ano de composição 2007
Gênero Clássico / Contemporâneo
Instrumentação Clarinete, Clarinete baixo, Clarineta Alto, Clarinete piccolo
Composição paraQuarteto
Tipo de composiçãoPartitura completa
duração 8'0"
dificuldade Very difficult
descripção The piece is written in free atonal technique. It is characterized by irregular rhythm, mostly polyphonic texture, moderate using of new techniques of sound production, various types of articulation and sound emission. The initial structures are developed, almost without interruption, towards climax section, after which music gradually calms down. Strong emotional tension is mixed here with some elegancy and concerto style that gives the musicians a chance to show their virtuosity.
data de postagem 24.01.2011


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